3ème à 5ème année
To remain exposed to the French language while having fun and continuing to learn.
Pour renforcer l'écoute et la compréhension du français de façon ludique.
Subscribe on your smartphone with Spotify, Apple podcasts, Deezer…
De 7 à 77 ans - From the French public radio France Culture. Famous & popular stories read out loud (Tintin, Asterix, Le Petit Nicolas, Peter Pan…)
Les Odysées - From the French public radio France Inter. (15-25 min each episode) For children 7 to 12 yo, short stories/documentaries about key historical figures (Socrate, Marco Polo, Nancy Wake, Marie Curie…)
Mythes et légendes - myth and legend stories by Quelle Histoire (10min episodes)
Une histoire et… Oli - short stories
Le podcast curieux - short stories
Les p’tites histoires - short fiction stories
Envolées contées - a slightly feminist podcast of children stories
La voix haute - short stories
Et voila! - Kids testimonies and experiences on various topics
Promenades Imaginaires au Musée d’Orsay - Stories inspired by work of art from the Orsay Museum in Paris. (10min episodes)
WILD - Podcasts animaliers sauvages - 20 min episodes, documentaries about wild animals.
La maison du Podcast - a collection of various podcasts, some of them mentioned above
News and current events:
Salut l’Info! - France Info et Astrapi: 12 min newscast for children 7-11 yo.
La Radio Bambou du site reporterre - a podcast about the environment
Yoga / Medidation
Here are a couple of relaxing meditations for children:
Calme et attentif comme une grenouille (5 minutes)
le yoga papillon (3 minutes)
If you like them, you can download 15 meditation practices for children in French on the Calme et attentif comme une grenouille website.
(Sign up to download.)
Activités / Activities
Arts and crafts, and Games:
From momes.net :
Fabriquer de la pâte Fimo (adult supervision necessary to make this modeling clay)
24 idées de bricolage avec de la pâte Fimo (Make Pikachu, owls, lady bugs and other fun creatures with this modeling clay)
20 idées pour confectionner un attrape-soleil - 20 ideas to make a sun catcher
Recette de banane glacée au chocolat - Chocolate banana frozen desert easy recipe
Art les 20 tableaux les plus célèbres - Art: learn about 20 famous paintings
Jeux de cartes des virelangues - a tongue twister card game