
The WIS community is invited to use the subscription databases below. If you have trouble accessing one of the resources or have a question about how to use a resource, don't hesitate to contact the library staff. We're here to help you!  (For eBooks click HERE )

Subscription Databases 

All passwords for subscription databases can be found HERE 


Science Databases: (available in English, French and Spanish)


Earth Space Science


Life Science

Images and Video:

Digital Tools (just a selection) for...


WEBPATH EXPRESS is a search engine for student-appropriate websites reviewed by educators. Access it by searching Destiny Discover (our library catalog) and clicking the "Websites" tab to see your results. 

KIDDLE is a safe, visual search engine for students.

NOODLE TOOLS provides guidance in the research process, keeps track of citations and notes, creates bibliographies, provides a collaborative workspace and helps student organize their research. Fifth graders log into NoodleTools with their WIS Google accounts.

Finding Photos/Images You Can Use

All PS students should search the subscription database IMAGEQUEST first for photos. If additional photos are needed, you can try these free web sites that contain fair use or copyright cleared images. You can also find images from Creative Commons by using their browser extension (links to install are just before "Key Features" section).

Be careful; these web sites could have content not appropriate for students. 

Remember, we also expect you to give credit to the creators whenever possible.


LUCIDCHARTS - for diagrams and flowcharts - Google App partner

GLOGSTER EDUCATION - show for digital poster board

PREZI - create motion presentations

VOICE THREAD - share ideas and images with a community, giving and receiving feedback

Skill Building

QUIZLET - create and use study online flashcards

DUOLINGO - learn a language

Music Resources

Classics for Kids - Learn about musical composers A to Z

All Classical - Read about composers that immigrated to the United States

NPR Radio - Enjoy videos of classical music from various composers

Classic FM - Learn about and enjoy music from European classical composers